Largo Paisiello or Squibb

Culture, Tipical places
Largo Paisiello - 95124 Catania

    A meeting point where to meet with friends, where the boys come to perform with writing, skating, breakdance performances and call "Squib or Squibb".

    The terrace of Largo Pasiello in Catania – the so-called Squib or Squibb – is a large space of 2400 square meters with an access in via Cimarosa, a few steps from the splendid Villa Bellini and the other on the steps above the Largo.

    Today a meeting place for skaters and writers, at the beginning of the twentieth century Largo Paisiello was considered one of the most elegant spaces in the Catania of the Bella Epoque. A short walk from here, a tree-lined Pacini street framed the Pacini Arena – where lyric, prose, operetta performances were held – later replaced by the fountain of the city center designed by the Catania artist Dino Caruso.

    Largo Paisiello is today a space of undoubted potential, located in the heart of Catania in continuous struggle against degradation and that over the years it is trying to reclaim in a definitive way. Here the boys come to perform with performances of writing, skating, breakdance and call this place “Squib” as the factory of razor blades, shaving foam and toothbrushes that existed several years ago (in fact, the exact name was Squibb).

    A place with an octagonal labyrinth and beautiful architecture on levels, which many hope will be able to return one day in a definitive way to the splendor of the past.