
Culture, Tipical places
Via Etnea - 95030 Nicolosi
095 7917011

Lava stone objects are perfect to "remember" your trip.

Nicolosi (7,092 inhabitants) is situated on the southern slopes of Etna on one of the main access routes to the volcano. It covers an area that falls within the Etna Nature Park, rising from the town at 700 m.s.l. to the central crater and the peak of Etna.

The original town of Nicolosi grew up around the Benedictine monastery of St. Nicola l’Arena, at the beginning of the 12th century, but over the course of the centuries it was frequently destroyed by lava. Nevertheless, Queen Eleonora, wife of Frederick II of Aragon and later Queen Bianca of Navarre, wife of King Martin often visited the place. Following the courageous example of Queen Bianca during the eruption of 1408 the inhabitants did not abandon the town. The importance of Nicolosi increased in those years to the point that it became a fief of the Prince of Paternò in 1447.

However, the terrible eruption of 1669 destroyed Nicolosi. The eruption stopped on 11th July having created the Monte Rossi on the edge of the town, the largest lateral cones on Etna. In 1671 reconstruction works began.

Nicolosi has an interesting artistic heritage. Vaccarini drew up plans for the Mother Church, in Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II in the first half of the 18th century. It has a 19th century style façade and an adjoining belfry in lava stone. Work on the church of St. Giuseppe was completed in 1886. The simple façade is decorated with a lava stone portal. The churches of St. Maria delle Grazie, St. Maria del Carmelo and St. Francesco are also worthy of note. Outside the town there is the ancient Benedictine Monastery of St. Nicolò l’Arena.

The area is also dotted with small altars and shrines dedicated to the Patron Saints. Of particular interest are the ‘Three Altars’ built in the 18th century at the point where the lava stopped in 1776.
There are a number of museums including the Rural Life Museum (Casa Museo della Civiltà Contadina) and the Volcano Museum (Museo Vulcanologico) which has an interesting display of lava materials from Etna. The ‘Nicolosi Nord’ ski resort has more than 20 km of slopes and offers skiers and snowboarders a view that takes in the whole of the Gulf of Catania and the Simeto valley.

You don’t have to lose the taste of the typical local products including wine, fruit, mushrooms and local cheeses is highly recommended.
Local craftsmen work in lava stone, wrought iron and wood as well as making baskets and visitors can watch them at work.