Church of Varò

Churches, Culture
Piazza Varò - 98039 Taormina
339 1259470 - 338 1833833

    Saturday and Sunday from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm
    Every Friday of Lent from 16:00 to 20.00

    The church of Varò (Spanish term that stands for “Visitation”) dates back to the fifteenth century but a crypt inside the church, typical of the period when Christians were forced not to profess their faith, hints that the Church has more ancient origins.

    Externally, the major architectural elements of the building are the Taormina stone portal and the small bell tower.

    The inside of church has a single nave and houses the papier-mâché statue of the Madonna Addolorata and, behind the Main Altar, stands the fresco depicting the triumph of the Cross.